Hot Agave Syrup

Hot Agave Syrup

Did you know you can use agave just like you use honey? I love hot honey but when I swap in agave instead it’s lower on the glycemic index and the price per ounce is less expensive, so it’s a win win! Use this in cocktails, drizzle on your avocado toast, mix it with Buffalo sauce and toss it with chicken tenders. You name it!

Here's what you'll need:

  • 1 cup agave

  • 1 tablespoon crushed red pepper

  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

  • Pinch of salt

  • 1 tablespoon fresh squeezed orange juice


  1. In a small sauce pan combine agave, red pepper flakes, cayenne and salt pinch on low heat

  2. Bring to a simmer while stirring often

  3. Simmer for 5 minutes then remove from heat

  4. Let sit in sauce pan (off of heat) for 10 minutes

  5. Squeeze in orange juice

  6. Transfer to a mason jar

  7. Store in fridge, lasts for about a month but you’ll probably use it before then!

If it’s not spicy enough for you add a few dashes of your favorite hot sauce !!

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